Tyrone Briggs
mike, mixed, mastered, lp
Music Box
Released: October 13, 2017
Produced by Amigos, Amigos! and Mike Gevaza
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Mike Gevaza
Assistant Engineers: Michael Arriaga, Dennis Koerner
“Amigos, Amigos! is both excited and proud to present the Music Box EP! The journey we experienced in developing, refining, recording, and preparing this music for all to enjoy was rewarding on so many levels. We hope our listeners have as much fun experiencing this record as we did recording it! Our band philosophy is simple: friendship is numero uno! We are always laughing, building each other up, and focusing our efforts on putting out positive energy into the music industry. How else would we retain our self-proclaimed title of being North Jersey’s “premier” power mariachi band? Cheers, and “muchas gracias!” to all the good hombres out there!”
– Amigos, Amigos! via PureGrainAudio