Tyrone Briggs
mike, mixed, mastered, lp
Crazy Child
Released: February 8, 2021
Produced by Jon Sheckler and Jordan Ziskin
Recorded and mixed by Mike Gevaza
Mastered by Jay Franco
An emotionally raw piece of work, Brooklyn based Jordan Ziskin is a deft singer-songwriter on the captivating “Crazy Child” album. Proving to be an exceptional storyteller, these narratives unfurl with a true undeniable sense of life.
The usage of rock, folk, and chamber pop within the sound further lends it a fully-fleshed out quality. Jordan lets these tracks build, grow, and burst forth in tremendous blooms of color. Melodically rich, it is easy to get lost in the multi-layered, multi-faceted approach. Volume is a must, for the way it washes over the listener has a patient cadence to it. Such a wide range of instruments adds to the beauty of the album tying it together into a cohesive whole.
– Dopecausewesaid