Tyrone Briggs
mike, mixed, mastered, lp
Hot Wine
Released: January 15, 2013
Produced by: Mike Gevaza & Brooklyn What
Engineered by: Mike Gevaza and Matt Gevaza
Mastered by: Jay Franco
The Brooklyn What came to Continental Recording Studio in the summer of 2011 to begin recording their masterpiece known as Hot Wine. Recording began at Van Dam Street and was completed at our current location on 44th Ave in Long Island City. We recorded overdubs and mixed the album at the new location. This album featured some of the first recordings at our new location and is one of the few records that made use of reverb created by amplifying elements of the recording into the six story concrete stairwell adjacent to the studio. Hot Wine experienced extensive airplay on college and independent radio stations throughout the country and received overwhelmingly positive reviews by music critics and fans.